Monday, January 16, 2012

Chemo #2/9 and I'm low on platelets and neutrophils

    Last Friday I had my second chemo. So far side effects have been minimal. Most annoying are headaches which seem worst during the 1-3 days following. Tylenol helps. Another side effect I recently noticed is dry, sensitive lining of the mouth. I rather not have mouth sores (usually I preferred a medium bristle toothbrush, but I now use soft). Chemo targets and kills fast-splitting cells, but it can't discern between cancer cells and the other cells that divide rapidly: blood cells, hair, mouth/throat lining, etc. I haven't had nausea, but some other flu-like symptoms. Overall, I won't/don't complain too much, as so far the side effects are less severe than I had expected.
    Maybe it's because a low platelet count lowered the first chemo to 75% of the planned dosage. That count didn't change, but now the neutrophil count is very low so my second chemo was 50% of the planned dosage. Neutrophils are young white blood cells. These are the "honey badgers" that attack infection. These critters are amazing. Somehow they can detect a bacteria or fungi invasion and in "flash mob" fashion travel and gather at the infection site to kill. They are the predominant cells in pus. They have a life span of only 5-6 days.
    It's obvious that the low neutrophil count is compromising my immune system. At work I am now using disinfection wipes on the computer keyboard and mouse and am washing my hands frequently. This Friday it's back up to Hershey to have the blood checked and hopefully have an infusion (it is ironic to say I "hope" to have chemo, but you know what I mean). I am also going to have a "test" radiation treatment. Actual treatment will start next Mon., Jan. 23, and last for 5-1/2 weeks. You have all been sooooooo kind to Barb and me. We are blessed. Viele dank!

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