Sunday, September 21, 2014

Returning to work

This past Wednesday I had my back surgery followup appointment—one week after the procedure. The surgeon' s nurse said the two small holes made in the small of my back were healing nicely and the stitches were removed.

A bone biopsy taken while in my back was negative for cancer and the PA said the bone structure was fine and no signs of osteoperosis. I wasn't expecting either malady but always like to hear any positive news.

My pain and discomfort level has been diminishing since the surgery, but is not gone. I still pop a pain killer pill now and then. Generally, I feel best - with the least pain - when I awake but as the day progresses I get more and more tired and feel more discomfort.

The PA gave me approval to return to work. I had been working 4-5 hours most days in the dentist billing office and was itching to return after a 7-1/2 week absence. Well, I didn't waste any time and went to the office the next day where I was given a most fantastic welcome back by my colleagues!!

That first day back was interesting as I had several mental blocks on how access different areas of our office software and use a PC again (I use Mac at home)— including a couple passwords forgotten and two website lockouts and requests for new passwords. I felt very clumsy and disoriented and struggled to get much done. My co-workers did a nice job sharing my duties in my absence but did leave me nice stack of insurance papers to process and enter because they didn't want me to come back with nothing to do! That would have made feel unnecessary!! They are so thoughtful.

I went back to work on Friday and had much better handle on things and actually started to whittle down the stack of papers, but am uncertain I can keep up working only half days.

Here I am standing by my work station—blown away by the decorations and messages welcoming me back to work. Balloons, posters, candy mints and bling (my arm is obscuring the "star" clapper around my neck) were part of the festive "welcome back". 
It felt good to be back and work and I didn't have any serious discomfort; although at the end of the day I was tired and ready to go home. I don't have the stamina to work a full day. I am able to work part time - and miss all those days - because I am on Family Medical Leave which is used up after 12 weeks of full time work. I plan to keep working as long as I can and or am allowed to work.

Other good news is that the edema in my feet and lower legs has subsided almost completely and they feel nearly "normal".

In problem news, although my appetite is good and I eat a wide variety of healthy foods and some unhealthy foods I am continuing to not adsorb nutrients and am still losing weight. Yesterday I weighed 138 lbs. — a new low. With that I grow weaker as well. I will press hard to discuss this in detail with my oncologist at an appointment with him this Wednesday. I haven't decided if I will go back on chemo, but am leaning toward not taking chemo, especially since I am already not that spry.

Barb has completed her first week at her new job at Mennonite Disaster Service and she feels very good about her role there. She has her own office and has made a few "ergonomic improvements" to her chair, desk & computer monitor.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.



  1. You go for it Ricky ~ you do what you feel you're up to ~ it is your life to fulfill as you wish. You CAN DO whatever you feel like doing. You are looking good despite the weight loss. Glad to hear there was no secondary site for the cancer. Back is good ~ glad the surgery was a success. Keep on keepin' on.....

  2. Glad for the good news, now only if I could give you those extra pounds, but life isn't that way. Went to a beautiful concert by James in honor of your brother Mark. Very impressive. He continues to improve and excel in his area, and it has been fun to watch him grow up. Haven't heard how much they made. Mannes' were church music this morning, so had a household buzzing. Glad to have them too. Hope your week continues to get even better. Blessings from the Mannes'

  3. All sounds good Rick! It's nice to do some work - don't worry about the passwords - it's hard enough for any of us to remember. We're busy with the studio - I have about 9 helpers with the Leech Lake Tribal Carpentry class. Keep on Keepin' ON!!
